
Material CSV import specification - Sheets

version: 1.1

File format description

  • coma separated values
  • each value quoted by double quotes ""
  • header row must be included
  • one item per line
  • text encoding: Unicode(UTF-8)
  • numbers and currencies should be with no formatting and should include only decimal separator
  • decimal separator: "."


Fields format description

Field name Value description
substrate required, text, possible options are ("Aluminium","Stainless Steel","Uncoated Steel","Coated Steel","Brass,Copper")
alloy required, text, one of the standard alloy designation e.g. "1050A / 3.0255 / Al99.5 - H24"
finish optional, text, description of the finish in which this material is supplied
required, number, in kg/m3
required, number, thickness of imported plate
required, number, width of imported plate (the shorter dimention)
required, number, length of imported plate (the longer dimention)
optional, text, unique supplier code of the item if known, if left empty it will be auto generated based on dimensions
optional, number, individual price of the single plate, note: 0 is considered as valid price
price_per_kg optional, number, price per piece will be automatically calculated, this field is ignored if price_per_piece was not empty
optional, text, ISO date in format "YYYY-MM-DD" indicates until what date the price is considered as valid
optional, text, additional text notes describing the item (max 512 characters)
required, text, unique identifier in source database (ERP), this value will be used to match the item in external system and to update record if re-importing